
Vote PNM > Reform

Local Government Reform under the People’s National Movement Government represents modernization and a crucial pathway towards a more accountable and responsive system.

The PNM believes granting more responsibility and authority to Local Government revitalizes and empowers citizens. Our objective is to create a modern, efficient, and well-resourced Local Government system

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The extension of councillor terms from three years to four years.

This will provide more time for councillors to work on long-term projects and initiatives, and also reduce the time and resources spent on frequent elections.

The establishment of separate Municipal and Executive Councils.

This will provide greater oversight and management of staff and resources. This will enable the councils to more effectively allocate resources and implement policies, and also improve transparency and accountability.

Full-time employment for councillors.

This will allow councillors to focus solely on their responsibilities and devote more time to serving their constituents. The closer management of staff and human resources will help to ensure that council resources are used effectively and efficiently and that staff are appropriately trained and supported.

Improved Disaster Management.

Local government reform empowers these bodies to take proactive measures, efficiently allocate resources, engage communities, enhance coordination, and facilitate post-disaster recovery. This leads to more effective and efficient responses to disasters, better protection of lives and property, and increased community resilience in the face of future crises.

Enhanced public health, sanitation, and the environment.

Local government reform includes updating and enforcing health and safety regulations, implementing stricter food safety standards, and ensuring proper management and disposal of hazardous materials. By strengthening these frameworks, local government bodies can create a safer and healthier environment for their residents.

Increased Crime Prevention Efforts.

By empowering municipal police with the necessary tools, resources, and community support, and by fostering a collaborative and proactive approach, reform initiatives can contribute to safer and more secure neighbourhoods, promoting the well-being and peace of mind of residents.